Qatar’s discriminatory parliamentary elections rules condemned

Manama, September 18 (BNA) Two parliamentary committees today expressed their deep concerns about the discriminatory practices of the Qatari regime in the country’s first legislative elections.

Dr. Mubarak Al-Marri had applied to run in the 16th constituency elections only to be excluded from the list of candidates without giving any reasons.

The Qatari authorities did not allow Dr. Al-Marri to appeal the arbitrary decision preventing her from running and participating in the parliamentary elections.

In a joint statement, the Human Rights, Women and Childhood Committees condemned the arbitrary exclusion of Dr. Al-Marri, which contradicts the principles of equality in the exercise of full political citizenship rights.

They stressed the need to allow all citizens in Qatar – men and women – to exercise their political rights through free and fair elections, and to challenge such decisions before the judiciary.

They stressed the importance of Qatari women exercising their political rights without any discrimination or violation of the principle of equality before the law.

The State of Qatar issued the Parliamentary Elections Law that grants “citizens” the full right to run for office and vote in elections and grants some “naturalized” citizens the right to vote only, while depriving other “naturalized” Qataris of the right to run. or vote.

In their joint statement, the committees condemned the discriminatory measures that amount to a flagrant violation of the inalienable right of citizens to exercise their political rights.

They stressed the people’s legitimate right to exercise their political rights, including candidacy and voting, which is the cornerstone of democracy, through legislation that provides for equality between citizens and regulates rights without any arbitrary or illegal exclusion.

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“Parliaments represent the sovereignty and will of the people,” the statement said, adding that the state is obligated to guarantee these rights to all individuals within its territory and within its jurisdiction – without any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex or language. Religion, opinion, origin, wealth, kinship, or other reasons, in accordance with international covenants and covenants.


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