June weather summary issued

Manama, July 17 (BNA): The Meteorological Directorate at the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications stated in its monthly weather report that the month of June was warmer than usual in temperatures, with wind speeds above average.

The mean temperature for the month was 35.0°C, which is 1.0°C higher than the long-term normal for June, and this records as the fifth-highest mean June temperature since 1902. Note that the highest mean monthly temperature For the month of June it was 36.3 C recorded in 2019.

The average maximum temperature for the month was 39.0°C, 0.4°C higher than the long-term normal, and this records as the eighth-highest average maximum temperature for the month of June since 1946. This is the same as in June for 2020. and 2012 and 2010, 2008 and 1997. Note that the highest monthly mean maximum temperature for June was 40.9°C recorded in 2019.

During the month, Bahrain had 9 days with maximum temperature exceeding 40°C. The highest temperature recorded during the month was 45.8 degrees Celsius, which occurred on June 12 at Bahrain International Airport (BIA), and this records as the fourth highest temperature. For the month of June since 1946 in the BIA. This is the same as on June 3, 2008, and has been surpassed by June 21, 2022, and June 20, 2010, which was 46.6°C, June 19, 2010, which was 46.2°C, and June 3, 2018, which was 45.9°C.

The highest temperature was in the Bahrain International Circuit, 48.1 degrees Celsius, Durrat Al Bahrain, 47.4 degrees Celsius, and the University of Bahrain, 47.0 degrees Celsius, on June 12.

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The mean minimum temperature for the month was 31.5°C, which is 1.5°C higher than the long-term normal, and this records as the fourth-highest mean minimum temperature for June since 1946.

Note that the highest mean monthly minimum temperature for June was 32.4°C in 2018.

The lowest temperature was 28.1°C on June 4 at Bahrain International Airport but 25.6°C was recorded on the same night in Durrat Al Bahrain.

The average relative humidity for the month of June was 41% while the average maximum relative humidity was 60% and the average minimum relative humidity was 25%. The highest relative humidity was 83% recorded on June 27, while the lowest relative humidity was 9% on June 12.

June 2023 was the second sunniest month since records of sunshine began in 1968. The total hours of sunshine for the month were 373.0 hours.

Note that the highest total number of sunshine hours for the month of June was 374.8 hours in 2020.

The average wind speed for June was 10 knots. The prevailing winds were 54% from the northwest direction. Winds reached 32 knots on June 14 at Bahrain International Airport but recorded 36 knots on June 14-15 at Bahrain International Centre. This is due to the Indian monsoon low which originated over northern India and central and southern parts of Pakistan and spread to the Persian Gulf bringing northwesterly winds locally known as (Al-Bara) and continued on May 30 and continued into June. With only short breaks in a few days. East to southeast winds accounted for 5% of the observation.

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Dust was reported on June 4. Visibility decreased to 3,000 meters at Bahrain International Airport.


#June #weather #summary #issued

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