HM King’s Diplomatic Advisor receives IISS Middle East Executive Director

Manama, October 23 (BNA) His Majesty’s Adviser for Diplomatic Affairs Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa received the Executive Director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) – Middle East Sir Tom Beckett, who handed him an invitation to participate in the 18th Manama Dialogue Forum.

The advisor praised the positive results of the Manama Dialogue and the recognition it had received regionally and internationally.

He praised the contribution of the Executive Director of the Institute in strengthening the role of the institutes in conducting studies and research and organizing conferences that deal with important regional and international issues related to the security and stability of the region, and wished Beckett and the Institute’s team continued success.

The Executive Director expressed his appreciation to the Consultant for his support of the Institute’s activities.


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