Gold rose 0.2%, heading to record the best weekly performance

Singapore, March 3 (BNA): Gold prices rose today, Friday, heading to record the largest weekly increase since mid-January, with the decline in the dollar, and at a time when dealers are evaluating the possibilities that the Federal Reserve (US Central Bank) said. US central bank) to raise interest rates.

Spot gold rose 0.2% to $1839.39 an ounce, up about 1.6% for the week so far, while US gold futures rose 0.2% to $1844.80.

The dollar index fell 0.2 percent, heading for its first weekly loss since January, making the yellow metal less expensive for buyers of other currencies.

As for other precious metals, silver rose in spot transactions by 0.5% to $21 an ounce, platinum rose 0.4% to $963.90, and palladium rose 0.4%, recording $1454.99.


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