Foreign Minister chairs GCC joint ministerial meeting with Iraqi counterpart

Riyadh, September 16 (BNA) The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the current session of the Cooperation Council, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, chaired today the joint ministerial meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the sisterly Republic of Iraq, His Excellency Dr. Fuad Muhammed Hussain.

The meeting, which was held in Riyadh on the sidelines of the 149th session of the Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council, was attended by Their Highnesses and Excellencies the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Cooperation Council States and the Secretary General of the Cooperation Council, Dr. Nayef Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs delivered a speech in which he explained that the ministerial meeting comes in implementation of the directives of their Majesties and Highnesses, the leaders of the GCC states.

He added that the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries always stress the importance of strengthening the strategic partnership between the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the sisterly Republic of Iraq because of the strong historical relations, kinship ties and the common destiny that binds the two sides, which is the same thing confirmed by the two sides. Al-Ula summit, which was held last January in the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

His Excellency affirmed the GCC countries’ firm stance towards the Republic of Iraq and its support for all endeavors aimed at preserving Iraq’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity and non-interference in its internal affairs, stressing the need to support Iraq’s security and stability. Helping it confront violence, extremism and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

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He also pointed out the need to work to enhance the pace of cooperation to face these challenges in a way that serves the interests of both sides, and praised the strong ties between the two sides, leaders and peoples as an important motivation for further cooperation. The two sides share the same history, challenges, interests and destiny.

“We are invited to work intensively on the joint action plan (2019-2024) in an effort to update it and activate the memorandum of understanding signed in 2019 between the two sides to achieve its desired goals in various fields and raise the level of distinguished relations between the two countries,” said the minister.

He expressed his pride in the achievements of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in the project to link the Gulf electricity network, noting that the two sides have made great strides towards implementing this vital project, which will bring great positive benefit to the countries and peoples concerned.

He expressed his appreciation for the tangible efforts made by the concerned authorities on both sides, as well as the efforts of the Gulf Electricity Grid Interconnection Authority in its quest to complete this strategic development project to the fullest.

Dr. Al-Zayani also expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to senior officials in the two ministries of foreign affairs on both sides for their efforts in supporting political cooperation, which has reached advanced stages and led to convergence of views on many regional and international issues.

For his part, His Excellency Dr. Fouad Muhammad Hussein indicated that Iraq seeks to take positions to ease tensions and crises by giving priority to the language of dialogue, in light of the current challenges, conflicts and crises in the Arab region and the Middle East.

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He said that these challenges and crises require concerted efforts to confront them and find peaceful solutions to them, adding that Iraq is proceeding to complete the consultations that were agreed upon with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Iraq and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Discussing the joint work plan between the two sides.

He added that Iraq welcomes all the good initiatives undertaken by the Gulf Cooperation Council countries to activate the strategic dialogue and joint committees, and at the same time looks forward to elevating the joint action plan in the future to the level of a full strategic agreement as a step towards strengthening cooperation in all fields, consolidating relations, and promoting common interests.

He also stressed the importance of completing the electricity grid link project and increasing cultural exchange and scientific integration between Iraq and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries to achieve sustainable social and economic development in a way that helps the two sides effectively integrate into the global economy based on the principles of partnership and consultancy.


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