APA’s Standing Committee on Economic, Sustainable Development meeting to be hosted tomorrow

Manama, May 16 (BNA): The Kingdom of Bahrain will host a meeting of the Standing Committee for Economic Development and Sustainable Development at the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) on May 17.

The meeting will be chaired by MP Ahmed Sabah Al-Salloum, a member of the House of Representatives, Vice-Chairman of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economics and Sustainable Development at the APA.

Deputies, members and heads of delegations from about 23 different Asian parliaments will attend the meeting.

The APA meeting will discuss eight projects and will focus on creating a common Asian energy market, alternative energy, and climate change.

The meeting will also stress the importance of sustainable development and environmental protection by using environmentally friendly materials.

The meeting will emphasize the need for assistance provided to the least developed Asian countries in terms of alternative energy, natural resource management, improvement of economic conditions, and provision of sustainable work environments.

The draft resolution also urged members of Parliament of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly on the importance of legislation and enacting renewable energy laws to activate the role of Asian parliaments in the future of renewable energy.

The meeting’s agenda includes a draft on financial affairs to ensure Asian economic growth efforts.

We urge APA Parliament members and Asian governments to adopt new policies and develop more inclusive and innovative growth strategies to achieve more resilient, balanced, sustainable and inclusive economic growth that creates jobs and promotes equality to create a regional network of SMEs.

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The meeting will also discuss ways to eradicate poverty in Asia, reduce inequality, ensure food security, and improve education and health care.

Members of Parliament and their governments will develop a poverty eradication strategy, while governments are encouraged to help implement effective policies to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full-time and productive employment for all, and improved labor market systems, infrastructure and services for less fortunate communities.


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