US says Sudan agreement not a ceasefire but to secure humanitarian aid

Washington, May 12 (BNA): Senior US State Department officials said that the declaration of commitment signed between the warring Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces in Jeddah is not a ceasefire.

The officials said the deal aims to direct the behavior of the forces to secure conditions for the flow of humanitarian aid, according to Reuters.

The officials said reaching the ultimate goal of a permanent cessation of hostilities will remain a long process as the two sides remain “wide apart” though they hope Thursday’s agreement will create momentum.

They said that after a week of talks in the Saudi port of Jeddah, the Sudanese military and the rival Rapid Support Forces signed a declaration that they would work towards a short-term ceasefire in further discussions.

The text of the declaration issued after the talks stated that the two factions “commit to prioritizing discussions in order to achieve a short-term ceasefire to facilitate the delivery of emergency humanitarian aid and the restoration of basic services.”

A statement by the US State Department stated that the two parties would focus on reaching an effective cease-fire agreement for a period of up to about ten days.


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