Parliamentary committee condemns EP’s resolution; stresses UAE’s rich human rights record

Manama, September 20 (BNA) The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and National Security in the House of Representatives, headed by Representative Mohamed Ibrahim Al-Sisi Al-Buainain, strongly rejected the decision issued by the European Parliament recently. EP) regarding human rights in the sisterly United Arab Emirates, noting that it contains fallacies and baseless slanders, far from objectivity and credibility.

In a statement, the committee confirmed that the UAE has a track record of outstanding achievements in the fields of human rights, noting that it is a role model in charitable and humanitarian work locally and abroad during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, by providing aid to expatriate workers, facilitating the travel of foreigners to their countries, and providing aid. Medical and vaccinations for a large number of countries, which earned it the praise of the international community.

The committee explained that the false allegations included in the decision, which affect the identity and values ​​of the Emirati society, are considered transgression and unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of the UAE, which is a state of law and institutions. .

The committee stressed that the decision clearly violates international covenants, treaties and conventions that respect the freedom and independence of states.

The Committee expressed its deep regret that the European Parliament ignored the distinguished efforts, pioneering progress, civilized initiatives, judicial procedures, modern human rights legislation, and the multiple achievements of the UAE in all fields.

The committee stressed that respect for human rights is a top priority for the UAE, as reflected in its cultural heritage, its constitution, which guarantees civil liberties for all, and the legislative system that is keen to promote the principles of justice, equality and tolerance, in addition. For its firm approach to respecting rights, and supporting humanitarian and relief work, in line with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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The parliamentary committee indicated that the UAE launched a national human rights body, established a Ministry for Tolerance and Coexistence, and adopted policies and enacted laws to protect the rights of workers, children, women, the elderly, people with special needs and prisoners. It has contributed to combating the phenomenon of human trafficking at the regional and international levels.

The committee also confirmed that the UAE has succeeded in combating the coronavirus pandemic, combating human trafficking, and ensuring the rights of expatriate workers, to name a few.

The committee stressed that the European Parliament’s decision is subjective and contradictory and creates an atmosphere of hatred that squanders the great humanitarian efforts made by the UAE to promote tolerance, peace and respect for human rights in the Arab world, regionally and globally.


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