AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation partners with AUBH

Manama, Nov. 19 (BNA): AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation has partnered with the American University of Bahrain (AUBH) to offer two Bachelor’s degree scholarships for three consecutive years while providing the opportunity for individuals and companies to invest in the youth of Bahrain by fully sponsoring these two seats.


Intending to offer the largest number of scholarships under the Rayaat program, this ongoing initiative comes as part of the Foundation’s efforts to support members of the community as well as enhance its partnership portfolio.


The signing ceremony took place at the AUBH campus, in the presence of Saba Seyadi, Executive Director of AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation, Noora bin Hindi, Rayaat’s Scholarship Head, Dr. Bradley J. Cook, President of the American University of Bahrain, Dr. Amal Al Awadhi, Dean of Students, and Mr. William D. Hurt, Chief Operating Officer at AUBH.


“We are pleased to be partnering with AUBH and would like to thank them for their support of our vision within this initiative, which aims to provide high quality education and licensed academic programs that serve to prepare the future leaders entering the labour market. This initiative will reflect positively on the national economy and prosperity of the Kingdom in the future,” Her Highness Shaikha Zain bint Khalid Al Khalifa, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of AlMabarrah AlKhalifia Foundation, said.


“We look forward to partnering with further institutions to support the Foundation’s approach to providing scholarships for distinctive fields that are in demand within the labour market, with the help of universities inside and outside the Kingdom.”

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Dr. Bradley J. Cook, President of AUBH, said that the partnership with MKF highlights the shared commitment to increasing opportunities for outstanding Bahraini students to attain the best of high-level education and develop the skills necessary for their professional careers to help them have a lasting positive impact on their local communities.


“We are proud of this partnership and are delighted to support outstanding students on their educational journey by helping them succeed in their academic and professional lives,” he added.


The AUBH is the first U.S.-accredited comprehensive co-educational University in Bahrain, whose curricula are built by experts to equip students with the knowledge and soft skills to succeed in a rapidly ever-changing environment.


The AUBH quality of American-model education mirrors that of the best universities in the United States. As part of its strategic approach, the University aims to cooperate with several local companies to align teaching methods and curricula with the requirements of various sectors that can further enhance students’ organizational skills.


The ‘Rayaat Scholarship’ program was launched in 2011, in line with the foundation’s vision to provide students with a comprehensive and integrated program and enhance skills and competencies in line with labour market requirements.


The program includes various scholarship opportunities at accredited universities in the Kingdom, in addition to providing many benefits including financial incentives, workshops, and training opportunities in public and private sectors.


Students can also register for various workshops to develop the required skills and enhance self-confidence in dealing with various factors in their future jobs. This comes in line with the Foundation’s vision of empowering young people with the necessary skills and experience that qualify them to find adequate jobs within the labour market and creating a conscious and educated generation capable of taking responsibility and facing future challenges effectively for a brighter and more developed future.

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