Bahrain’s score continues to improve in Global Women Business and Law report 2023

Manama, March 2 (BNA): The Kingdom of Bahrain’s overall score improved by 3.1 points to 68.1 out of 100 in the World Bank’s Women in Business and Law 2023 report.

Women in Business and the Law examines laws and regulations that restrict women’s economic inclusion in 190 countries based on eight indicators around the life cycle of a working woman.

The Kingdom of Bahrain obtained a perfect score (100/100) in the “Pension” index, which evaluates the laws regulating retirement benefits. The Kingdom also maintained an excellent score (100/100) in the “Payment” and “Entrepreneurship” indicators.

Bahrain remains committed to its efforts to promote gender balance and the advancement of women through continuous cooperation between government agencies and the Supreme Council for Women.

The report showed that the Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the fastest reforming countries in this field, with a steady annual growth in its total score.


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