Bahrain marks World Osteoporosis Day

Manama, October 20 (BNA): Bahrain joined the world in celebrating the World Osteoporosis Day, which falls on October 20.

The international event aims to raise awareness of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis by focusing on risk factors and a healthy lifestyle to prevent the disease and its fractures.

World Osteoporosis Day was launched on 20 October 1996 by the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) in the UK with the support of the European Commission. The World Health Organization ranks osteoporosis among the 10 most prevalent diseases in the world.

The World Health Organization reports that osteoporosis is a serious, silent disease that affects 30% of women after the age of 50 and 10% of men after the age of 50. The disease causes a deterioration in bone density and strength, which leads to fractures.


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