Arab League Secretary General: Arab Countries must uphold Arab interests as cornerstone of their international stances

Jeddah, May 19 (BNA): Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince. His Highness the Emir and the Prime Minister extended the warm hospitality of the Arab leaders and participating delegations upon their arrival in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He also congratulated the kingdom on chairing the 32nd Arab Summit, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

Aboul Gheit said, in a speech before the summit, that in this difficult historical stage, the Arab countries must adhere to Arab interests as the cornerstone of their international positions, commit to coordination and resort to collective action.

He expressed his hope that the Jeddah summit would be a starting point for reaching an Arab summit
A solution that stops the bloodshed in Sudan, corrects the mistakes made in the past, and takes care of the higher interests of the Sudanese.

He also welcomed the return of President Bashar al-Assad and Syria to the Arab League, hoping that the Arabs would contribute to finding effective solutions to the challenges in Syria.


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