Strikes at German sites of Airbus and Aerotec over restructuring

Hamburg, Sept. 17 (BUS): Employees of Airbus operations and Premium Aerotech went on strike on Friday in a dispute over future corporate restructuring.

According to IG Metall, the major metalworkers’ union, Airbus sites in Hamburg and Buxtehude and the Premium Aerotec site in Varel were among those affected.

It was also expected to stop work at other sites in the morning.

“We’re not getting anything at the negotiating table,” said IG Metall area leader Daniel Friedrich.

As a safety net for nearly 13,000 employees, IG Metall is requiring severance pay for three months’ salary for each year of work in a base amount of €25,000, should the employees lose their jobs.

In addition, a hardship clause for IG Metall members and qualification measures will be agreed for two years with salaries continuing to be paid.

Airbus President Guillaume Faury announced in April that parts of Airbus’ operations and significant parts of Premium Aerotech, a German aircraft manufacturer, will be merged into a new subsidiary at the beginning of 2022.

In addition, a new unit will be created that will focus on the production of individual parts and small components.

For this company, which will also serve other customers, Airbus is seeking to associate with a “strong external partner”.


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