SCYS marks Bahraini Women’s Day

Manama, Dec. 1 (BNA): The General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports held a ceremony on the occasion of Bahraini Women’s Day, which is celebrated on the first of December of each year.

Under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Youth, Ayman bin Tawfiq Al-Moayyed, the ceremony was attended by Minister of Youth Rawan bint Najeeb Tawfiqi, and Acting Assistant Secretary-General Marwan Fouad Kamal.

Ayman bin Tawfiq extended his sincere congratulations to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, and Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Consort of His Majesty the King. And the President of the Supreme Council for Women, wishing Bahrain more progress.

He expressed his thanks to Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka for the tremendous efforts made by the Supreme Council for Women, appreciating the continuous cooperation between the Supreme Council for Youth and the Supreme Council for Women.

He praised Bahraini women for the role they play in building Bahraini society, noting that they have proven their worth in various fields.


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