October slightly warmer than normal

Manama, November 7 (BNA) The Meteorological Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications said that the month of October was warmer than usual with above-average temperatures and wind speeds.

The average temperature for the month was 30.6 degrees Celsius which is 0.7 degrees Celsius more than the long-term normal for October, and this records as the seventh highest average temperature for the month of October since 1902, the ministry said in its monthly weather summary. .

The highest monthly average temperature for October was 32.1°C in 2019.

The average maximum temperature for the month was 34.0°C which is the same as the normal long-term temperature. The highest monthly average maximum temperature for October was 35.9°C on record in 2019.

During October, Bahrain had eight days with a maximum temperature of over 35°C. The highest temperature during the month was 38.4 degrees Celsius, which was recorded on October 1 at Bahrain International Airport.

The highest temperature recorded for the month of October at Bahrain International Airport was 42.8 degrees Celsius on October 1, 2001.

The highest temperature was recorded in October at the Bahrain International Circuit, where it reached 41.9 degrees Celsius on October 1, 2021, and at Durrat Al Bahrain 40.9 degrees Celsius on the same day.

The average minimum temperature for the month was 27.8°C which is 1.4°C above the long-term normal and this records as the fifth highest average minimum temperature since 1946.

The highest monthly average minimum temperature for October was 29.6°C recorded in 2019.

The lowest temperature was 25.1 degrees Celsius on October 28 at Bahrain International Airport but recorded 21.4 degrees Celsius on October 27 at Durrat Al Bahrain.

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The average relative humidity for October was 61% while the average maximum relative humidity was 76% and the average minimum relative humidity was 43%. The highest relative humidity of 87% was recorded on October 16 and 31 and the lowest relative humidity of 19% on October 1.

No rainfall was reported in October. The long-term average total precipitation for October was 0.9 mm, and the highest monthly amount of precipitation recorded during October at Bahrain International Airport was 19.9 mm, which occurred in 2018.

October 2021 has been the 8th sunniest month of October since records of sunshine began in 1968. The total hours of sunshine for this month was 322.9 hours.

The highest total number of hours of sunshine for the month of October was 331.3 hours recorded in 2020.

The average wind speed for October was 9 knots. The prevailing wind was 42% from the northwest direction. High winds reached 29 knots on October 19 at Bahrain International Airport. East to southeast winds accounted for 20% of the observation.

Fog was reported on 8 October. Visibility decreased to 2,000 meters at Bahrain International Airport.


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