Nobel panel to announce 2021 peace prize

Oslo, Oct. 8 (BUS): The winner of the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize was announced Friday, an award intended to honor an individual or organization that “has done the most or the best work of fraternity among nations.”

Last year’s award went to the World Food Programme, which was established in 1961 by order of US President Dwight Eisenhower to fight hunger around the world. The Rome-based UN agency has been lauded for seeking to end famine as a “weapon of war and conflict”.

The prestigious award is accompanied by a gold medal and 10 million Swedish kronor (more than $1.14 million). The AP said the prize money comes from a will left by the prize’s creator, Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, who died in 1895.

The Nobel Committee on Monday awarded a prize in physiology or medicine to Americans David Julius and Erdem Patabutian for their discoveries about how the human body perceives temperature and touch.

The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded Tuesday to three scientists whose work has found a system in apparent turbulence, helping to explain and predict nature’s complex forces, including broadening our understanding of climate change.

Benjamin List and David WC MacMillan were named Nobel Chemistry laureates Wednesday for finding an easier and environmentally cleaner way to build molecules that can be used to make compounds, including drugs and pesticides.

The Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded on Friday to UK-based Tanzanian writer Abdul Razak Jarna who was honored “for his relentless penetration and compassion for the effects of colonialism and the fate of a refugee”.

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Monday will come after an award for outstanding work in economics.


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