Bahrain, UK sign MoU on biodiversity and marine pollution

London, July 5 (BNA): In the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the United Kingdom signed a memorandum of understanding on biological diversity and marine pollution. .

It was signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, on behalf of the Minister of Oil and Environment, the Special Envoy for Climate Affairs, Dr. Muhammad bin Mubarak bin Dinah, and Tim Green, Executive Vice President of the United Kingdom. Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (CEFAS).

The MoU aims to create a framework between Bahrain’s Supreme Council for the Environment (SCE) and the British company Cefas by allowing them to explore areas of collaboration in environmental monitoring, marine life, climate change science, marine food security, biodiversity, and pollution safety. .

Under the memorandum of understanding, the two sides will also be able to exchange scientific and technical information, visits, training, research and cooperative projects, in addition to enhancing and developing the capacities of their cadres and laboratories. It will also help them protect and monitor the area’s natural marine resources, and provide technical advice.

Commenting on this, Dr. Bin Dinah emphasized the role that the United Kingdom plays in protecting the environment at the global level.

He highlighted the strong relations between Bahrain and the United Kingdom, noting that the memorandum of understanding reflects the keenness of the two kingdoms to intensify cooperation and joint coordination between them in the environmental field by providing a framework for action in the fields of monitoring the environment and marine life. .

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