Arab League Condemn Burning a Copy of the Holy Quran in Sweden’s Stockholm

Geneva, July 12 (BNA): The Arab League strongly condemned the burning of a copy of the Noble Qur’an on the first day of Eid al-Adha in Stockholm, Sweden, stressing that such disgraceful acts cannot be tolerated in any way.

The League of Arab States affirmed that these actions not only offend the religious beliefs and feelings of two billion Muslims, but also violate their sanctities, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SABA).

In a joint statement delivered before the Human Rights Council during an urgent debate on deliberate and overt acts of religious hatred, the Arab League stressed that tolerating such acts only fuels Islamophobia and hatred and sows discord within societies.

The statement highlighted that no country can claim to protect and promote human rights while at the same time turning a blind eye to the disastrous consequences of religious blasphemy and its negative impact on promoting a culture of peace.

She further stated that tolerating such acts contradicts the principles of accepting others, promoting harmony and embracing tolerance, all under the guise of respecting freedom of opinion and expression.


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