Tensions on France’s streets ease, fewer arrests overnight

Paris, July 3 (BNA): The French Ministry of the Interior said today, Monday, that less than 160 people were arrested overnight in connection with riots that shook cities across France following the killing of a teenager by a police officer.

The relative calm that followed five nights of violent riots has offered some relief to Emmanuel Macron’s government as it battles to regain control of the situation, just months after widespread protests over an unpopular pension reform and a year after hosting the Olympics.

The Interior Ministry said 157 people were arrested overnight, down from 700 the night before and more than 1,300 on Friday night, Reuters reported.

The ministry said that three out of the 45,000 policemen deployed at night were injured, while about 350 buildings and 300 cars were damaged, according to provisional figures.

The grandmother of Nahil, the young man who was shot dead by police during a traffic stop in a Paris suburb, said Sunday she wanted to end the riots that have broken out across the country over his killing.

His death sparked long-standing complaints of discrimination, police violence and systemic racism within law enforcement agencies – which authorities have denied – from rights groups and in the low-income, ethnically mixed suburbs that surround major French cities.

Since his shooting on Tuesday, rioters have set cars on fire, looted shops and targeted town halls and other properties — including the home of Vincent Janbrunn, mayor of the Paris suburb of Les Roses.

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“This is a real nightmare,” Janbrunn told BFM TV on Monday. We have been under siege.”

Ganpron, a member of the conservative Republican Party, said in the interview that he regretted that the government did not choose to declare a state of emergency which he said would have allowed the municipal police to better protect the town and the town hall, which was also attacked. by hooligans last week.

“I grew up at L’Hay-des-Roses myself in these big apartment complexes,” he said. “We were humble, we didn’t have much, but we wanted to conquer it, we had hope that we would succeed by working hard.”

He added that at this point everything indicated that the people who attacked his house were young men from the same suburb.


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