South Korea: bank, insurance jobs down by nearly 10,000 since 2018 year-end

Seoul, Oct. 8 (BNA): The number of employees at South Korean banks and insurance companies dipped by nearly 10,000, data showed.

Bank jobs totalled 116,582 as of June, down from 122,531 at the end of 2018, according to the Financial Supervisory Service statistics released by Rep. Yun Chang-Hyun of the ruling People Power Party, South Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.

The data showed that the number of employees at local insurance companies, except for insurance planners, came to 55,605, down from 59,459.

Notably, the number of offline bank branches significantly decreased, with 6,003 as of end-June from 6,998 at the end of 2018. Insurance companies also showed a similar downward trend, with the number falling to 4,710 from 6,239 during the same period.




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