Bahrain participates in UNHRC urgent meeting on Quran burning

Bahrain participates in the urgent meeting of the Human Rights Council on the burning of the Qur’an<br />

Manama, July 12 (BNA): Ambassador Dr. Youssef Abdul Karim Bucheery, Director General of Legal Affairs and Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, participated in the urgent discussion of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The discussion was held at the urgent request of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to discuss the alarming rise in deliberate and overt acts of religious hatred as reflected in the repeated desecration of the Holy Quran in some European and other countries, on the sidelines of the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council.

The ambassador affirmed that tolerance, brotherhood and humanity are among the basic values ​​and messages of the Holy Quran, noting that our Islamic religion calls for coexistence and respect for others.

He stressed that these repeated incidents of burning copies of the Holy Qur’an are unacceptable attacks and heinous practices that constitute an insult to Islam and Muslims.

He stressed that such incidents contradict religious freedom and the values ​​of tolerance and human coexistence, and generate hatred, extremism and violence, in addition to their inconsistency with international charters and laws.

Bucheery renewed His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s call to the international community that approving an international agreement to criminalize religious, sectarian and racist hate speech in all its forms and manifestations has become an imperative, including combating Islamophobia, xenophobia and combating terrorism. Islamic crimes. As well as preventing the spread of rumors, violence, extremism or terrorism through the use of the media, information, Internet networks, social communication and open spaces.

He also stressed the need to take decisive measures to prevent the recurrence of such practices that deviate from human and ethical values ​​and principles, in support of more coexistent, tolerant and humane societies.


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