HM King’s initiatives to foster interfaith dialogue praised

Marrakesh, June 14 (BNA): Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Adel Abdul Rahman Al-Assoumi, praised the qualitative and unprecedented initiatives launched by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to promote dialogue between religions. He referred to His Majesty the King’s launch of the Bahrain Declaration on Religious Tolerance, which is an international document aimed at promoting religious freedom. He also referred to the inauguration of the King Hamad Global Center for Peaceful Coexistence.

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament praised the enlightened vision of His Majesty the King to promote tolerance and coexistence between cultures. He also praised the government’s efforts, led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to promote interfaith dialogue and to strengthen the role of the King Hamad Global Center for Peaceful Coexistence in this regard.

This came during Al-Asoumi’s speech during the Parliamentary Conference for Interfaith Dialogue, which was held in Marrakesh, Morocco, under the title “Working Together for Our Common Future.” The conference was attended by prominent parliamentary figures from all over the world.

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament stressed the great importance that the Arab Parliament attaches to interreligious dialogue as a key factor in achieving rapprochement and strengthening relations between peoples. He renewed the call for the initiative, which was revealed during his participation in the G20 Forum for Interfaith Dialogue, which was hosted by the Italian city of Bologna, in September 2021.

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The initiative calls for the establishment of a global parliamentary platform for interfaith dialogue that includes programs and activities to qualify and build the capacities of parliamentarians in this field.

Al-Assoumi pointed out that dialogue and tolerance do not in any way mean accepting distortion of the image of religions and their sacred symbols under the pretext of freedom of expression.


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