New maps reveal Australia’s coastal hotspots under threat

Sydney, Sept. 21 (BUS) – Updated maps show some coastal hotspots in Australia could be washed away as ocean levels rise, new climate change models revealed Tuesday.

Coastal Risk Australia, created by two Australian mapping companies, allows users to visualize how their homes, neighborhoods and favorite coastal sites could be vulnerable to rising sea levels.

The maps use modeling from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which projects sea levels to rise by 84 centimeters by 2100.

“Vision is faith. Maps is a global language for communicating climate change science and by personalizing potential impacts we can build awareness and effective adaptation,” said NGIS mapping firm CEO Nathan Eaton in a statement on the site. (dpa).

Maps show large swathes of popular beaches, including Byron Bay and Manly, that will sink. Tourist hotspots, including Noosa in Queensland, Cairns and Hindmarsh Island, can also be underwater.

The site shows that homes in Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania may be increasingly under threat.

Users can adjust the map to see the effect of sea level rise between zero and ten metres.


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