Liverpool boss Klopp compares vaccine refusal to drink-driving

Liverpool, Oct 3 (BNA): Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp likened refusing to take a COVID-19 vaccine to drunk driving, saying such people put others at risk.

Klopp said he took the vaccine not only to protect himself but “all the people around me”. The 54-year-old also said that 99% of his Liverpool players have been vaccinated and that he didn’t have to convince anyone to do so.

British media reported last week that only seven of the 20 Premier League clubs have teams in which more than 50% of players are vaccinated.

“If I say I’ve had a vaccination, others say, ‘How can you tell me I should get vaccinated?'” “It’s a bit like driving under the influence,” Klopp said before Sunday’s game at home with Manchester City.

“Maybe we’ve all been in a situation where we had a beer or two and thought we could still drive but (because of) the law, we’re not allowed to drive so we don’t drive.

“But this law isn’t there to protect me when I drink two beers and want to drive, it’s to protect all other people because I’m drunk and we accept that as a law.”

Klopp said vaccination is not a limit to freedom, Reuters reports.

“I don’t understand why this is considered a limitation of freedom because, if so, not being allowed to drink and drive is also a limitation of freedom,” he said.

“I got vaccinated because I was worried about myself but more than that about everyone around me. If I catch (COVID-19) and suffer from it: my fault. If I get it and spread it to someone else: my fault, not theirs.”

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