July weather summary issued

Manama, August 10 (BNA) The Directorate of Meteorology at the Ministry of Transport and Communications stated in its monthly weather report that July 2022 was slightly warmer than usual with temperatures below average wind speeds.

The average temperature for the month was 35.4°C which is 0.3°C above the long-term normal for July and this records as the ninth highest average temperature for July since 1902. This is the same as in July 2008 and 2011. Note The highest average monthly temperature for July was 36.9°C recorded in 2017 and 2020.

The average monthly maximum temperature was 39.2°C, 0.5°C below the long-term normal. Note that the highest monthly average maximum temperature for July was 42.1°C recorded in 2017.

During the month, Bahrain had 10 days with a maximum temperature exceeding 40°C. The highest temperature was 43.3 degrees Celsius, which was recorded on July 19 at Bahrain International Airport. Note that the highest temperature recorded for the month of July at Bahrain International Airport was 47.4 degrees Celsius on July 15, 2000 and July 13, 2010.

The highest temperature during the month was 46.3 degrees Celsius at Bahrain International Circuit and 44.9 degrees Celsius at Durrat Al Bahrain, and it was recorded on July 19, 2022.

The average minimum temperature for the month was 32.7°C, 1.3°C above the long-term normal, and this records as the fourth highest average minimum temperature for the month of July since 1946. This is the same as in July 2014 and 2018. Note The highest monthly average minimum temperature for July was 33.6°C recorded in 2020.

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The lowest temperature was 31.6 degrees Celsius on July 5 and 8 at Bahrain International Airport but 28.5 degrees Celsius was recorded on July 5 at Durrat Al Bahrain.

The average relative humidity for July was 57% while the average maximum relative humidity was 73% and the average minimum relative humidity was 37%. The highest relative humidity was recorded at 89% on July 8th, while the lowest relative humidity was recorded on July 4th at 15%.

The total hours of sunshine in the month was 315.7 hours. Note that the highest total monthly sunshine hours for July was 377.8 hours recorded in 1974.

The temperatures were much lower than usual in the last five days of the month due to the cloudy conditions that covered the kingdom on these days and the accompanying rain showers.

Only trace amounts of rain were recorded on the days of 27, 28 and 29 July at Bahrain International Airport. Thunderstorms were reported in Durrat Al Bahrain on 28 July resulting in a total daily precipitation of 2.4 mm.

Heavy rains associated with thunderstorms fell on the Kingdom on July 29, where they accumulated in less than an hour, with a total precipitation of 41.6 mm at the University of Bahrain, 19.2 mm in Budaiya, and 6.0 mm at the Bahrain International Circuit.

This unstable weather condition occurs in the summer due to the approach of the equatorial low pressure formation lines on the southern regions of the Arabian Peninsula and the Arabian Sea, causing unstable weather and thunderstorms accompanied by strong winds over some areas. Climate statistics indicate that the Kingdom of Bahrain was affected in July last year by these decreases, especially in its southern regions, where thunderstorms were reported, which are unusual climatic phenomena at this time of the year.

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The average wind speed for July was 8 knots. The prevailing wind was 42% from east to southeast. Northwest winds accounted for 20% of the observed percentage. High winds reached 28 knots on July 1 at Bahrain International Airport, but recorded 32 knots on the same day at Durrat Al Bahrain.

Dust was reported on 3 July. Visibility decreased to 3,500 meters at Bahrain International Airport.


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