IOV’s President attends Arab Cultural Heritage Day in Cairo

Cairo, Feb. 25 (BNA): Poet Ali Abdullah Khalifa, head of the International Organization for Folklore, participates in the forum hosted by the Department of Culture and Dialogue of Civilizations at the General Secretariat of the Arab Region. The league from February 24 to February 26 in Cairo.

The Department of Culture and Dialogue of Civilizations honors the Arab cultural heritage under the slogan “Popular Heritage in the Arab World” in partnership with the Sharjah Heritage Institute, which spent many years authoring the “Encyclopedia of Folklore in the Arab World”, an ambitious cultural project to record the heritage of Arab communities.

About 22,000 Arabic words are included in this lexicon, divided into categories based on themes of the Arab world, all of which are considered part of the International Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Mr. Ali Khalifa, who is the Director General of the Folklore Center for the Arab Gulf States in Doha, contributed to the first comprehensive Arabic dictionary, issued in 1987 by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

The IOV Presidency Office in Bahrain provided support in the planning stages of this new lexicon, which will help address some of the shortcomings of the previous one. This is a huge step forward for the Sharjah Institute for Heritage and a new cultural triumph for Arab culture that has long overlooked its traditional heritage.


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