CBB holds workshop for GCC central bank information security specialists

Manama, October 6 (BNA) The Central Bank of Bahrain hosted the fifth workshop for information security specialists in the central banks of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together information security specialists in the central banks of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, to be informed and educate about the current strategic trends of information security to be able to enable central banks to confront threats directly in order to develop a new system, an innovative and dynamic financial landscape and safe.

Mr. Yousef Al-Fadhel, Executive Director of Corporate Services at the Central Bank of Bahrain, welcomed the participants and commented: “I would urge participants to continue to participate, share information and learn from each other’s experiences so that we can collectively move to a safer place. And a strong financial landscape is ready to respond. for any emerging threats.

The workshop covered two strategic technology directions in 2021, the Privacy Improvement Computing (PEC) and the Cyber ​​Security Network.

PEC implements data protection used. It supports use cases where data must remain confidential during processing and analytics, and where algorithms must remain confidential even if the data itself is not.

The cybersecurity network architecture allows organizations to manipulate IT assets that increasingly lie outside the confines of the traditional enterprise using a configurable and scalable approach to extend security controls to distributed assets by separating policy enforcement from protected assets.

Both techniques were covered by well-known, internationally acclaimed experts.


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