AI breakthrough explained to human operators

Auckland, April 6 (US): Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) LinkedIn boosted subscription revenue by 8% after arming its sales team with an artificial intelligence (AI) program that not only anticipates customers at risk of cancellation but also explains how they will arrive. its conclusion.

Reuters reports that AI is finding that to make these tools more effective for human operators, the AI ​​may need to explain itself through another algorithm.

AI technology can perpetuate societal biases such as those around race, gender, and culture.

US consumer regulators, including the Federal Trade Commission, have warned over the past two years about the potential for unexplainable artificial intelligence to be investigated.

The United Nations (EU) could pass the Artificial Intelligence Act, a comprehensive set of requirements including that users be able to interpret automated predictions.

Proponents of explainable AI say it has helped make AI more effective in areas such as healthcare and sales.

Critics say the explanations for why AI predicted what you did are highly unreliable because AI’s technology for interpreting machines is not good enough.

LinkedIn and others developing interpretable AI acknowledge that every step in the process — analyzing predictions, generating explanations, confirming their accuracy and making them actionable for users — still has room for improvement.

LinkedIn’s technology has delivered business value by increasing renewal bookings by 8% during the current fiscal year, higher than the growth typically expected.

LinkedIn salespeople relied on their intuition and some intermittent automated alerts about customers’ adoption of services as AI handles research and analysis quickly.

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Dubbed LinkedIn CrystalCandle, CrystalCandle identifies unnoticed trends and helps salespeople hone their tactics to keep at-risk customers on board and engage others in promotions.


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