المليشيا الحوثية تتكبد خسائر فادحة في العتاد والأرواح في جبهات مأرب

On October 30 / BNA / The Yemeni army announced that the Houthi militias suffered heavy losses in equipment and lives after clashes broke out at dawn today, Saturday, on various fighting fronts south of Ma’rib Governorate, during the 24 hours of return.

The media center of the Yemeni army explained, in a statement, that the army and the army forces thwarted Houthi attacks on the battlefronts south of Marib, adding that the army broke a Houthi attack on the al-Kasara front, west of Marib; Militia elements and their combat equipment.

An alliance alliance alliance alliance assembled with him, in conjunction with a certain alliance, a target, a wing that resulted in death and injury resulting from injuries caused by injuries from injuries caused by injuries from injuries caused by injuries from bullet wounds.

Military army forces thwarted the infiltration of combatant army military forces.


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