10th Constituent Judicial Session for Military Prosecution officers concludes

Manama, March 3 (BNA) Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense Affairs Major General Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa witnessed today the graduation ceremony of the tenth foundational judicial course for military prosecution officers, which was organized by the military judiciary in the Bahrain Defense Force. .

Officers from the judicial and legal military authorities in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, in addition to a number of officers from the military and security authorities in the Kingdom of Bahrain, participated in the course.

Some Quranic verses were recited, then the head of the military judiciary and the head of the Military Court of Cassation, Major General Dr. Youssef Rashid Fleifel issued a statement confirming the military judiciary’s interest in academic aspects.

He pointed out that the annual judicial sessions are the outcome of the comprehensive development process led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the Supreme Commander. He also praised the Commander-in-Chief of the Bahrain Defense Force, Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, for his unwavering support to the military judiciary.

Regarding the course program, he said that it was supervised and managed by officers and advisors from the military judiciary, in addition to a number of specialists from some legal and judicial authorities in the Kingdom, including the Institute of Judicial and Legal Studies, the Public Prosecution, the General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Evidence and the General Directorate Anti-corruption, economic and electronic security, the General Directorate of Traffic and the forensic laboratory.

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The tenth founding judicial session for military prosecution officers included practical and theoretical training on judicial, investigative and military trial procedures, in addition to lectures on international humanitarian law and human rights in cooperation with all legal and judicial authorities in the Kingdom, in addition to field training. Visits to a number of judicial and legal authorities in the Kingdom.

Then the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense handed over certificates to the graduates, and prizes for outstanding students, congratulating them on their success in passing the course.

He expressed his appreciation for the efforts made to make the tenth session a success, praising the directives of the commander of the Bahrain Defense Force to harness all capabilities to serve the members of the armed forces of the brotherly countries participating in the course. He also congratulated all the participants on their success.

It is worth noting that since the beginning of the era of reform during the era of His Majesty the King, the Supreme Commander, the military judiciary in the Bahrain Defense Force has held several training courses for members of the armed forces of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the sisterly Arab countries in the legal and judicial field. fields.

The military judiciary also holds regular sessions for all military and security authorities in the Kingdom.


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